In the ego's world, the mind is a slave to the body. To wake up from the dream of separation, we need to use the body as a means for expanding our consciousness instead of treating it as an end or a goal. As we are willing to allow the Holy Spirit to use the body for Its purposes, practical steps will be given and new directions will open up. Pride and the "I-know" mind are undone as we go through the awakening process. All is leading to the state of mind that "I do not know the thing I am, and therefore do not know what I am doing, where I am or how to look upon the world or on myself."
Everyone in this world has, or is, struggling with control and addictive thinking and patterns on some level. This raw, beautiful movie puts it out there and shows the meaningless that has to be faced and the decision underneath that has to be seen in order to heal. Thank God for mighty companions and the awareness that all healing is in the mind.
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