, on 2024-08-02Love is inevitable! You cannot mess things up ultimately since all things work together for good. This is a story of miracles and miracles and miracles. The signs are everywhere, the spontaneity is flowing, the script is written, and the feeling is being carried in joy! Though doubt thoughts may seem to cast their shadows for a time, there is a destiny of lo...
, on 2024-04-14Who or What Is the Holy Spirit? - In this session, David shares insights about the nature and purpose of the Holy Spirit and why it is the greatest gift God gave us.
, on 2024-02-25Enjoy this inspiring and profound online retreat with David as he explores these topics: quantum inspiration, the Holy Spirit's five uses of the body, relationships and their purpose, the question of whether you should stay in a relationship, marriage, and divorce, and that "love is content, and not form of any kind." ACIM T-16.V.12:1
, on 2025-01-24In this interactive session, David Hoffmeister answers questions about practical situations as well as metaphysics. He talks about sin, the law of attraction, and how to keep the flame of desire bright and strong.
, on 2025-01-19What Is Present Guidance? - We learn from the journey of others as Jesus offers a new perspective of the world. This session is full of parables addressing the call for healing.
, on 2025-01-17How Is Healing of the Mind Accomplished? - In this session, David and friends go deep into the purpose of the body, answering questions from participants and giving personal testimonials from their own lives about how they discovered sickness as a belief in their thought system, and how to let it go!
, on 2025-02-07Living Experience of Collaboration and Love - In this talk, David Hoffmeister shares how life flows beautifully without human effort. And Love cannot be far behind a grateful heart and a thankful mind. When we trust that nothing real can disappear, we can lighten up, laugh, and be playful! David also shares what it is like to be living in a spiritual communi...
, on 2024-12-22In this talk, David Hoffmeister shares it’s all about the love, nothing but the love! He encourages us to shoot for the happy dream and teach what we would learn moment by moment. If we have fear, it is the ego recoiling. David reassures us that every single step is designed to strengthen the belief in love!
, on 2024-11-24David Hoffmeister focuses on the practical application of the teachings of A Course in Miracles, with the "Introduction" (In) and the "Principles of Miracles" (T-1.I) to heighten our awareness of the message provided by Jesus.
, on 2024-11-15In this talk, David shares if we want to experience the face of Christ—which is a state of mind—we have to be willing to expose all our darkest thoughts. "Truth is restored to you through your desire, as it was lost to you through your desire for something else," (T-20.VIII.1:2) this condenses the whole teaching of A Course in Miracles and invite...
, on 2024-09-27This is the story of Saint Nectarios of Aegina, Greece. As a humble priest, he devoted his life to living the teachings of Christ, serving the poor and those in need. Nectarios faced massive backlash from the Orthodox establishment that vowed to discredit him. But through his faith and humility he was delivered beyond all the trials of the ego and his true i...
, on 2024-09-22The opening scene is an uncut 30 minutes of facing the loss of a child so it is was pretty good to flush up emotions. Then it is has all the grief and pain that has to be faced (like waking up). She could not hide how she was feeling and this is shown in the last hour which is very meditative and touching. She finally gets in touch with something real and re...
, on 2024-08-23This film provides a great opportunity to see beyond the virtual reality made up by the ego. In seeming realm after realm, the images and characters seem to be very real, yet they but represent the inventions, wishes, and desires of the ego acted out in form. As it dawns in awareness that none of the scenarios are real, this realization beckons the ques...
, on 2024-12-13In this talk, David shares with us a powerful statement: what and who we are is the song of prayer. We want that song of prayer to come out! We want to sing it from our hearts because it's who we are!
, on 2024-11-29Take time to sink beneath all thoughts and feelings, and fall deep into the Kingdom of Heaven within.
, on 2024-11-17David shares a community talk with the broader ACIM community in the Lake Chapala area, which contains the topics of spiritual community, sickness, the resurrection, and devotion and commitment.