Terry believes her husband has betrayed her, and her rage and self-hatred rise to the surface. The Course says: "I have done this thing, and it is this I would undo." T-27.VIII.11 This movie takes a deep look at the deception of a false self that believes it is the victim of others and questions the anger that underlies such a belief system.
The ego's core deceit is the belief that it sinned by leaving God and making a world. It is angry at God for not granting reality to its world. Holding anger towards God produces terror. To keep the fear and anger at manageable levels, the ego projects the guilt and anger out onto people. The resulting cycle of attack and defense is self-perpetuating. The journey of awakening requires that we look within upon the full extent of our hatred, see that we made it all up, and experience our inherent innocence. The Holy Spirit is in charge of the awakening, and mighty companions are sent forth to reflect to us our innocence and lovability.
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