This film provides a great opportunity to see beyond the virtual reality made up by the ego. In seeming realm after realm, the images and characters seem to be very real, yet they but represent the inventions, wishes, and desires of the ego acted out in form. As it dawns in awareness that none of the scenarios are real, this realization beckons the question: Then what is the point? Forgiveness of illusions is the point! In forgiveness there is only the happy dream of non-judgment. And the world is lit and shining in the light of our Source. Only a blessing remains where once there seemed to be a threat. All pain is over now. Only love is reflected in the forgiven world. How blessed is the world when it has been forgiven. Nightmares are gone from awareness, and it is clear that they never were at all.
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Electric Dreams Kill All Others
Season 1, Episode 10Alternate Title: Seek Not to Change the World Nobody is ever directly upset by people or events. It is only an...
What Dreams May Come
The world is the pictorial representation of false thought, much like a canvas represents the painter’s foolis...
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