Cracked Perception–Cracked World
If you judge the world or yourself, you are not seeing with unified perception.
If you judge the world or yourself, you are not seeing with unified perception. "Cracked Perception–Cracked World" In this case, you need to admit that your mind, and therefore the world, is cracked! Feeling guilty comes from the perceptual problem of duality; the belief that there is an inner and outer. The purpose of the Workbook of A course in miracles is to train your mind to see that this is not so.
Golden Nugget:
“Sometimes people who work with A Course in Miracles for years feel guilty when they see external beauty. The key word is ‘external’—the belief that there is something outside you. This is the core ego belief. Human beings perceive an internal world of thought and an external world of form. This is the human condition. This is duality; the belief that there is an inner and outer. The purpose of the Workbook of A Course in Miracles is to train your mind to see that this is not so. The thoughts that you think you think and the world you think you see are identical.
We have heard that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and the beholder is your mind. When there is guilt about perceiving external beauty, the guilt is coming from perceiving the external apart from who you are. When the separation seemed to occur, the Holy Spirit was given as the immediate answer. The Holy Spirit is the holistic way to perceive the world. Guilt comes from perceiving the world as fragmented.
Whenever you feel guilt rise up in your consciousness, just remind yourself of one thing: 'This world is cracked.' You need to remember this. Why is the world cracked? Because perception is cracked and the cosmos is perception. Why is the cosmos cracked? Because the mind is cracked. If someone accuses you of something and you feel guilt, you could start by saying, ‘hold up! My mind is cracked.'”
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