This is a beautiful movie about going for it and not holding back, with music being the wind beneath wings that were always meant to fly!
Surrounded by unhappy adults and peers, 15-year-old Conor is deeply inspired when he meets mysterious and beautiful Raphina, who lives across the road from his new school. Before he knows it, he has invited her to collaborate and star in a music video with his band. Now he needs to follow this spontaneity and form a band!
Despite the bullies, rough school, and depressive era of the 1980s in Ireland, Conor discovers his dreams as he takes one risk after the next to follow his heart and shine his light. Through his steadfast dedication he is led, step by step, to form a band, become a lead singer, and make collaborative songs and music videos. Conor’s dedication is an inspiration to everyone who has the eyes to see. Nothing is impossible when you’re willing to risk everything for the moment.
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