This is one of the greatest faith, and “making the turn” movies ever! Alfred Jones insists he is a facts and figures man, and not at all a man of faith. When he is offered the opportunity of a lifetime in the form of introducing salmon into a river in Yemen, Alfred finds the idea ridiculous. Feeling coerced, he gives the absolute minimum to the project until it begins to dawn in his heart that this idea is Inspired, and has a far greater purpose than at first it seemed.
Collaboration and immersing in a purpose that opens the heart and raises the mind above focusing on self-interests, is a backdrop for falling in love in the truest sense. The script has its twists and turns, but once you’re in the yes you can’t help but play your part perfectly. One opportunity after another will present itself in order to practice being a miracle worker.
In the Holy Spirit is a glorious plan of awakening, and everything is being orchestrated to reveal a life worth living! It takes faith—leaps of faith—to keep an open heart and dare to follow where it will lead. Lay aside judgment, intellectual reasoning, fears of scarcity and human loyalty, and find what is worth our undivided loyalty! It is our purpose! It is our heart!
Movies are an excellent way to watch your mind, to pay attention to your emotions, and to help you discover your unconscious beliefs.
Go here for more info about Movie Watching as A Spiritual Practice. You will find tips, tools and links to movies to go deeper in your journey.
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