Here are the top 5 most asked questions about A Course in Miracles, along with answers to those questions, courtesy of our David AI chatbot:
5. Does my life in form ever need to change or can I just change my mind?
Based on the teachings of A Course in Miracles (ACIM), changes in the mind are essential for a teacher of God. While external situations may or may not change, adjustments in attitudes are typically the first step in training. The process is individualized, with some individuals needing immediate life situation changes while others undergo a slowly evolving training program to correct past mistakes. Proper perception of relationships and removal of unforgiveness are crucial to prevent a return to the old thought system. In terms of decision-making, as the teacher of God advances in training, they learn to seek guidance from their Teacher rather than relying on their own judgment. Giving up personal judgment is necessary for hearing God's Voice and is a gradual process that may be perceived as insulting. The curriculum focuses on relinquishing judgment as a condition for salvation, contrasting with the world's emphasis on self-reliance and judgment. Therefore, based on these teachings, while changing your mind is crucial for inner peace and transformation, it may also lead to changes in external circumstances as you align more closely with spiritual guidance and release attachments rooted in egoic thinking.
4. What does “I need do nothing” actually mean?
Based on the teachings of A Course in Miracles, the concept of "I need do nothing" is about making a space in your mind that is so still and quiet that you can abide there. It is a practice to show loyalty to the Christ mind and challenges the ego's need for busyness and guilt. While it may seem contradictory, the idea is not about avoiding all actions but rather shifting your perspective on doing. When you align with beingness and practice "I Need Do Nothing," you are opening yourself up to a state of peace and truth beyond the ego's demands. In practical terms, as long as you believe in linear time and individual actions, you can allow the Holy Spirit to guide your daily activities such as paying bills, weeding the garden, or planning meals. By letting go of the identification with being the doer and allowing a broader perspective to guide your actions, you will gradually feel less attached to the personal self. Ultimately, the realization of "I need do nothing" signifies a state where all actions are seen as expressions of divine will rather than personal effort.
3. What does the “script is written” mean?
"The script is written" means that the past is already determined and fixed. It signifies that all of perception is based on past experiences and beliefs. The idea behind this statement is that time is simultaneous, not linear, and everything that seems to happen in the present or future has already occurred in the past. The concept of the script being written emphasizes the importance of forgiveness and letting go of past meanings assigned by the ego. It encourages seeing the sameness in all experiences and choices, leading towards a realization of oneness and the end of perceived differences.
2. How can I hear the Holy Spirit?
Hearing the Holy Spirit involves being open to His guidance and recognizing His communication in various forms. Initially, you may feel intuitions, nudges, or impulses that guide you in a positive direction. This can be described as feeling a tickle in your heart chamber, which is a form of communication from the Holy Spirit. By following these subtle prompts and being open to different ways of receiving His guidance, you can gradually tune into hearing the Holy Spirit more clearly. Remember that all forms of communication from the Holy Spirit are valuable, whether they are impulses, feelings, or words. It is not limited to just hearing words; any form of guidance is significant. So, stay open and receptive to His presence and trust in the process of deepening your connection with the Holy Spirit.
1. How did the separation happen?
You have asked the number one question that I am asked as I travel. In the Clarification of Terms section of A Course in Miracles, Jesus addresses this question. He says there are many questions the ego will ask: How did the separation occur? To whom did the separation occur? And many other forms. There is no answer, only an experience. There is an experience that will come that will end all doubting. When you ask the question, "How did the separation occur," you have an unconscious assumption or belief that the separation did occur. That is what you must question because separation is never understandable. Atonement is the awareness that the separation never happened. That is your sole responsibility: to accept the Atonement or correction. You are not responsible for the error. You do not need to analyze or figure out the error; you just need to accept the correction. This involves not attempting to project responsibility for the ego. So, when anger arises, along with fear and guilt, and the ego says: Get rid of it, put it on your brother and sister, do not listen to that voice. See it as your own thought and quickly give it over to the Holy Spirit. Quickly! Once you have given it to the Holy Spirit, it is already gone. It is the attempt to protect it and hide it from the Holy Spirit that seems to keep it in your consciousness. Love, David
If you have more A Course in Miracles questions as you go about your daily practicing, you can simply ask David AI for free.
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Sue Haynes on 2024-04-28
Fabulous! So clear, so inspiring. I particularly found "I need do nothing," so helpful, as I've been feeling more reminders these days to open to that space in mind as I attend to tasks, loosening the ego's agenda. I felt, "Yes, yes!" as I read it.
Laverne Topsky on 2024-04-27
David AI's responses to these questions are so on point! I love the non-compromising teachings of ACIM through David AI!!!
Jason Warwick on 2024-04-27
Truly Helpful! Thank you 🙏