This movie’s main message is the value of extending and giving from the heart in order to escape from the painful loop of linear time. When time just repeats over and over, the mind becomes so dulled to this linear script that it starts to think of it as reality. Time loop movies like this one can help expose repetitive patterns and recurring blocks in the mind, and to provide an impetus for change.
In ACIM, Jesus asks, "Would you rather be right or happy?" Kate, the main character, thinks she knows the relationship that would make her happy. She has an attraction to a former partner who is not available, and no matter what she tries in the various lifetimes, she cannot get him to come back to her.
Sometimes it takes the playing out of something over and over again to get the lesson and to be able to see the attraction to pain more clearly. As soon as Kate realizes the love that is right in front of her and how blessed she truly is, she steps into her function of extending and giving, with no expectation of anything in return from anyone.
A delightful movie of total transformation!
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