"One" doesn't need balance. So the solution to this human condition dilemma has to be prior to time.
Practical spirituality is about emptying the mind of everything you think you think and think you know. Even one scrap of dualistic thinking will turn the dream into a seeming reality that you’re a real person, that there are real people around you, and that there’s something really happening in a linear way. None of the dualistic teachings are true; the yin and the yang, the masculine and the feminine balancing energies. It’s all dualistic. You can’t balance “one.” One doesn’t need balance, so it would mean that the whole solution to this human condition dilemma has to be prior to the healing of the body, prior to time; it has to be prior to past, present, future. Healed perception is the closest we come to abstract oneness in the world. As we get closer to that state, we experience time like a heavy load, like quicksand. Pure, absolute awareness is so easy, it’s laughable. You can take any seeming specific problem and that can be your starting point to come into that vastness.
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