Only an open mind in a state of true humility can receive revelation from God. Jesus taught that you have to be like a little child to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. The scholarly “I know mind” is not only unnecessary to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, it bars the way. The presence of God abides where It is welcome, where there is a complete lack of judgment. When the final vestiges of self-doubt are washed from the mind, the world is transcended.
This is an inspiring film about the life of Joseph of Cupertino, who became known as a levitating saint. Joseph had no worldly skills or abilities and, in the eyes of his family and fellow friars, he failed at every worldly task assigned to him. Incapable of judgment or attaining worldly knowledge, Joseph was drawn to simplicity and opportunities to offer kindness and love. Along with his deep devotion to God, he offered his willingness to follow every instruction given to him by both the priests who doubted him and the priest who believed in him. By doing so, he experienced a transformation of consciousness that left him so unidentified with this world that he was often lifted up to float high above the earth.
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