The sleeping mind is analogous to a dark, deep cavern in the ocean. The journey to the bottom of the abyss takes great faith. Along the way it can feel as though the darkness is endless. However, when the mind is willing, the means are always provided. To make it to the depths required for the mission, it becomes necessary for Bud, the foreman of the oil rig, to use a high-tech underwater breathing system that uses oxygenated fluid instead of air.
To the ego the decision to breathe liquid seems like making a decision for death. This is how the ego interprets the complete trust that is required to move through the depths of darkness into the light of love. However frightened we are by the means that are given for awakening, with trust and purpose held in mind, nothing is impossible. We find that in the depths of the depths there awaits a realization that transcends all expectation—there is a light that forever shines beyond the darkness in which communication with the Spirit is unbroken. The light of eternal love was there all along!
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