Innocence is unfettered by the laws and ways of thinking of the world. Having enough faith to just take the next step, life takes care of itself. Contentment and happiness come from non-judgment, extending love, and letting go of the idea that you really know what anything of this world is for. The journey is one of simply yielding to, or surrendering, to what is. When you give up trying to control the direction of the wind, the feather of love will gently make its way to you and land by your side.
Movies are an excellent way to watch your mind, to pay attention to your emotions, and to help you discover your unconscious beliefs.
Go here for more info about Movie Watching as A Spiritual Practice. You will find tips, tools and links to movies to go deeper in your journey.
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The Mirror Has Two Faces
The fear of Intimacy is exposed in this “exploring the meaning of relationship” comedy. The anxiety and...
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