Vianne is a free spirit, moved by the mysterious north winds to be in the right place at the right time. As she follows her heart’s calling, she allows those around her to open in surprising and unexpected ways. Moving from town to town in an attempt to finally be free, Vianne moves to a small French village that prides itself on its tranquility.
Vianne quickly discovers that the townsfolk are tightly bound by rules and traditions that are the ego’s attempt at tranquility. Peace cannot be found in attempting to manage the form, and everybody around Vianne undergoes a rapid healing of letting go of what no longer serves and opening to being shown another way. Hers is the way of light, of love, a non-judgmental freedom of mind—of taking the stranger in.
An authenticity descends upon the town as each is freed to be themselves; free of roles, guilt and the “shoulds” of the ego. Life is for living and the whole town joins in the celebration with hearts bursting open! The past is laid to rest, and Vianne discovers that the freedom she so desired was within her all along.
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Salmon Fishing in the Yemen
This is one of the greatest faith, and “making the turn” movies ever! Alfred Jones insists he is a facts...
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